For Clear Skin, and a Glowing, Healthy Complexion
- To lighten dark spots and acne marks, dab on fresh squeezed lemon juice, or apply organic grass-fed yogurt to your entire face and neck (leave on for 10 minutes) to lighten and brighten your skin
- Prevent and eliminate blackheads, dry skin, and give your skin a dewy look just by drinking at least 2 liters (1/2 gallon) of filtered water per day – sounds like a lot, but it will do the trick!
- Speaking of water, filter your shower and sink water (my favorite is Environmental Water Systems) so you’re not dumping chlorine and chemicals on your skin and hair – you’ll end up with soft skin and healthier hair, and if you have asthma and allergies, it may help with that too
- Use a lotion mask nightly (or in the morning before applying makeup), for a beautifully moisturized and glowing complexion (for more info on lotion masks, I highly recommend reading The Japanese Skincare Revolution)
- Pimple Emergency! To heal a pimple quickly, apply 100% tea tree oil with a cotton swab directly onto the pimple every few hours, and apply vitamin E oil on the spot at night, about 1 hour before bedtime
- Give yourself a glow, shrink pores, give your skin an antioxidant burst, and even out skin tone with some champagne and a cotton ball
- Puffy face? Drink dandelion tea and try a 3-minute Tanaka face massage to get the lymph moving and eliminate puffiness
- Prevent pimples and keep your skin smooth with glycolic acid from a sugar scrub – mix organic cane sugar with your face or body wash in the palm of your hand, or simple scrub